Source code for mmocr.datasets.pipelines.kie_transforms

import numpy as np
from mmcv.parallel import DataContainer as DC

from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from mmdet.datasets.pipelines.formating import DefaultFormatBundle, to_tensor

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class KIEFormatBundle(DefaultFormatBundle): """Key information extraction formatting bundle. Based on the DefaultFormatBundle, itt simplifies the pipeline of formatting common fields, including "img", "proposals", "gt_bboxes", "gt_labels", "gt_masks", "gt_semantic_seg", "relations" and "texts". These fields are formatted as follows. - img: (1) transpose, (2) to tensor, (3) to DataContainer (stack=True) - proposals: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_bboxes: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_bboxes_ignore: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_labels: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer - gt_masks: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer (cpu_only=True) - gt_semantic_seg: (1) unsqueeze dim-0 (2) to tensor, (3) to DataContainer (stack=True) - relations: (1) scale, (2) to tensor, (3) to DataContainer - texts: (1) to tensor, (2) to DataContainer """ def __call__(self, results): """Call function to transform and format common fields in results. Args: results (dict): Result dict contains the data to convert. Returns: dict: The result dict contains the data that is formatted with default bundle. """ super().__call__(results) if 'ann_info' in results: for key in ['relations', 'texts']: value = results['ann_info'][key] if key == 'relations' and 'scale_factor' in results: scale_factor = results['scale_factor'] if isinstance(scale_factor, float): sx = sy = scale_factor else: sx, sy = results['scale_factor'][:2] r = sx / sy value = value * np.array([sx, sy, r, 1, r])[None, None] results[key] = DC(to_tensor(value)) return results def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__