Source code for mmocr.datasets.pipelines.transforms

import math

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from PIL import Image

import mmocr.core.evaluation.utils as eval_utils
from mmdet.core import BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from mmdet.datasets.pipelines.transforms import Resize
from mmocr.utils import check_argument

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class RandomCropInstances: """Randomly crop images and make sure to contain text instances. Args: target_size (tuple or int): (height, width) positive_sample_ratio (float): The probability of sampling regions that go through positive regions. """ def __init__( self, target_size, instance_key, mask_type='inx0', # 'inx0' or 'union_all' positive_sample_ratio=5.0 / 8.0): assert mask_type in ['inx0', 'union_all'] self.mask_type = mask_type self.instance_key = instance_key self.positive_sample_ratio = positive_sample_ratio self.target_size = target_size if (target_size is None or isinstance( target_size, tuple)) else (target_size, target_size) def sample_offset(self, img_gt, img_size): h, w = img_size t_h, t_w = self.target_size # target size is bigger than origin size t_h = t_h if t_h < h else h t_w = t_w if t_w < w else w if (img_gt is not None and np.random.random_sample() < self.positive_sample_ratio and np.max(img_gt) > 0): # make sure to crop the positive region # the minimum top left to crop positive region (h,w) tl = np.min(np.where(img_gt > 0), axis=1) - (t_h, t_w) tl[tl < 0] = 0 # the maximum top left to crop positive region br = np.max(np.where(img_gt > 0), axis=1) - (t_h, t_w) br[br < 0] = 0 # if br is too big so that crop the outside region of img br[0] = min(br[0], h - t_h) br[1] = min(br[1], w - t_w) # h = np.random.randint(tl[0], br[0]) if tl[0] < br[0] else 0 w = np.random.randint(tl[1], br[1]) if tl[1] < br[1] else 0 else: # make sure not to crop outside of img h = np.random.randint(0, h - t_h) if h - t_h > 0 else 0 w = np.random.randint(0, w - t_w) if w - t_w > 0 else 0 return (h, w) @staticmethod def crop_img(img, offset, target_size): h, w = img.shape[:2] br = np.min( np.stack((np.array(offset) + np.array(target_size), np.array( (h, w)))), axis=0) return img[offset[0]:br[0], offset[1]:br[1]], np.array( [offset[1], offset[0], br[1], br[0]]) def crop_bboxes(self, bboxes, canvas_bbox): kept_bboxes = [] kept_inx = [] canvas_poly = eval_utils.box2polygon(canvas_bbox) tl = canvas_bbox[0:2] for inx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes): poly = eval_utils.box2polygon(bbox) area, inters = eval_utils.poly_intersection(poly, canvas_poly) if area == 0: continue xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = inters.boundingBox() kept_bboxes += [ np.array( [xmin - tl[0], ymin - tl[1], xmax - tl[0], ymax - tl[1]], dtype=np.float32) ] kept_inx += [inx] if len(kept_inx) == 0: return np.array([]).astype(np.float32).reshape(0, 4), kept_inx return np.stack(kept_bboxes), kept_inx @staticmethod def generate_mask(gt_mask, type): if type == 'inx0': return gt_mask.masks[0] if type == 'union_all': mask = gt_mask.masks[0].copy() for inx in range(1, len(gt_mask.masks)): mask = np.logical_or(mask, gt_mask.masks[inx]) return mask raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, results): gt_mask = results[self.instance_key] mask = None if len(gt_mask.masks) > 0: mask = self.generate_mask(gt_mask, self.mask_type) results['crop_offset'] = self.sample_offset(mask, results['img'].shape[:2]) # crop img. bbox = [x1,y1,x2,y2] img, bbox = self.crop_img(results['img'], results['crop_offset'], self.target_size) results['img'] = img img_shape = img.shape results['img_shape'] = img_shape # crop masks for key in results.get('mask_fields', []): results[key] = results[key].crop(bbox) # for mask rcnn for key in results.get('bbox_fields', []): results[key], kept_inx = self.crop_bboxes(results[key], bbox) if key == 'gt_bboxes': # ignore gt_labels accordingly if 'gt_labels' in results: ori_labels = results['gt_labels'] ori_inst_num = len(ori_labels) results['gt_labels'] = [ ori_labels[inx] for inx in range(ori_inst_num) if inx in kept_inx ] # ignore g_masks accordingly if 'gt_masks' in results: ori_mask = results['gt_masks'].masks kept_mask = [ ori_mask[inx] for inx in range(ori_inst_num) if inx in kept_inx ] target_h, target_w = bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[2] - bbox[0] if len(kept_inx) > 0: kept_mask = np.stack(kept_mask) else: kept_mask = np.empty((0, target_h, target_w), dtype=np.float32) results['gt_masks'] = BitmapMasks(kept_mask, target_h, target_w) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class RandomRotateTextDet: """Randomly rotate images.""" def __init__(self, rotate_ratio=1.0, max_angle=10): self.rotate_ratio = rotate_ratio self.max_angle = max_angle @staticmethod def sample_angle(max_angle): angle = np.random.random_sample() * 2 * max_angle - max_angle return angle @staticmethod def rotate_img(img, angle): h, w = img.shape[:2] rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), angle, 1) img_target = cv2.warpAffine( img, rotation_matrix, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) assert img_target.shape == img.shape return img_target def __call__(self, results): if np.random.random_sample() < self.rotate_ratio: # rotate imgs results['rotated_angle'] = self.sample_angle(self.max_angle) img = self.rotate_img(results['img'], results['rotated_angle']) results['img'] = img img_shape = img.shape results['img_shape'] = img_shape # rotate masks for key in results.get('mask_fields', []): masks = results[key].masks mask_list = [] for m in masks: rotated_m = self.rotate_img(m, results['rotated_angle']) mask_list.append(rotated_m) results[key] = BitmapMasks(mask_list, *(img_shape[:2])) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ColorJitter: """An interface for torch color jitter so that it can be invoked in mmdetection pipeline.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.transform = transforms.ColorJitter(**kwargs) def __call__(self, results): # img is bgr img = results['img'][..., ::-1] img = Image.fromarray(img) img = self.transform(img) img = np.asarray(img) img = img[..., ::-1] results['img'] = img return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class ScaleAspectJitter(Resize): """Resize image and segmentation mask encoded by coordinates. Allowed resize types are `around_min_img_scale`, `long_short_bound`, and `indep_sample_in_range`. """ def __init__(self, img_scale=None, multiscale_mode='range', ratio_range=None, keep_ratio=False, resize_type='around_min_img_scale', aspect_ratio_range=None, long_size_bound=None, short_size_bound=None, scale_range=None): super().__init__( img_scale=img_scale, multiscale_mode=multiscale_mode, ratio_range=ratio_range, keep_ratio=keep_ratio) assert not keep_ratio assert resize_type in [ 'around_min_img_scale', 'long_short_bound', 'indep_sample_in_range' ] self.resize_type = resize_type if resize_type == 'indep_sample_in_range': assert ratio_range is None assert aspect_ratio_range is None assert short_size_bound is None assert long_size_bound is None assert scale_range is not None else: assert scale_range is None assert isinstance(ratio_range, tuple) assert isinstance(aspect_ratio_range, tuple) assert check_argument.equal_len(ratio_range, aspect_ratio_range) if resize_type in ['long_short_bound']: assert short_size_bound is not None assert long_size_bound is not None self.aspect_ratio_range = aspect_ratio_range self.long_size_bound = long_size_bound self.short_size_bound = short_size_bound self.scale_range = scale_range @staticmethod def sample_from_range(range): assert len(range) == 2 min_value, max_value = min(range), max(range) value = np.random.random_sample() * (max_value - min_value) + min_value return value def _random_scale(self, results): if self.resize_type == 'indep_sample_in_range': w = self.sample_from_range(self.scale_range) h = self.sample_from_range(self.scale_range) results['scale'] = (int(w), int(h)) # (w,h) results['scale_idx'] = None return h, w = results['img'].shape[0:2] if self.resize_type == 'long_short_bound': scale1 = 1 if max(h, w) > self.long_size_bound: scale1 = self.long_size_bound / max(h, w) scale2 = self.sample_from_range(self.ratio_range) scale = scale1 * scale2 if min(h, w) * scale <= self.short_size_bound: scale = (self.short_size_bound + 10) * 1.0 / min(h, w) elif self.resize_type == 'around_min_img_scale': short_size = min(self.img_scale[0]) ratio = self.sample_from_range(self.ratio_range) scale = (ratio * short_size) / min(h, w) else: raise NotImplementedError aspect = self.sample_from_range(self.aspect_ratio_range) h_scale = scale * math.sqrt(aspect) w_scale = scale / math.sqrt(aspect) results['scale'] = (int(w * w_scale), int(h * h_scale)) # (w,h) results['scale_idx'] = None
@PIPELINES.register_module() class AffineJitter: """An interface for torchvision random affine so that it can be invoked in mmdet pipeline.""" def __init__(self, degrees=4, translate=(0.02, 0.04), scale=(0.9, 1.1), shear=None, resample=False, fillcolor=0): self.transform = transforms.RandomAffine( degrees=degrees, translate=translate, scale=scale, shear=shear, resample=resample, fillcolor=fillcolor) def __call__(self, results): # img is bgr img = results['img'][..., ::-1] img = Image.fromarray(img) img = self.transform(img) img = np.asarray(img) img = img[..., ::-1] results['img'] = img return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class RandomCropPolyInstances: """Randomly crop images and make sure to contain at least one intact instance.""" def __init__(self, instance_key='gt_masks', crop_ratio=5.0 / 8.0, min_side_ratio=0.4): super().__init__() self.instance_key = instance_key self.crop_ratio = crop_ratio self.min_side_ratio = min_side_ratio def sample_valid_start_end(self, valid_array, min_len, max_start, min_end): assert isinstance(min_len, int) assert len(valid_array) > min_len start_array = valid_array.copy() max_start = min(len(start_array) - min_len, max_start) start_array[max_start:] = 0 start_array[0] = 1 diff_array = np.hstack([0, start_array]) - np.hstack([start_array, 0]) region_starts = np.where(diff_array < 0)[0] region_ends = np.where(diff_array > 0)[0] region_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(region_starts)) start = np.random.randint(region_starts[region_ind], region_ends[region_ind]) end_array = valid_array.copy() min_end = max(start + min_len, min_end) end_array[:min_end] = 0 end_array[-1] = 1 diff_array = np.hstack([0, end_array]) - np.hstack([end_array, 0]) region_starts = np.where(diff_array < 0)[0] region_ends = np.where(diff_array > 0)[0] region_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(region_starts)) end = np.random.randint(region_starts[region_ind], region_ends[region_ind]) return start, end
[docs] def sample_crop_box(self, img_size, masks): """Generate crop box and make sure not to crop the polygon instances. Args: img_size (tuple(int)): The image size. masks (list[list[ndarray]]): The polygon masks. """ assert isinstance(img_size, tuple) h, w = img_size[:2] x_valid_array = np.ones(w, dtype=np.int32) y_valid_array = np.ones(h, dtype=np.int32) selected_mask = masks[np.random.randint(0, len(masks))] selected_mask = selected_mask[0].reshape((-1, 2)).astype(np.int32) max_x_start = max(np.min(selected_mask[:, 0]) - 2, 0) min_x_end = min(np.max(selected_mask[:, 0]) + 3, w - 1) max_y_start = max(np.min(selected_mask[:, 1]) - 2, 0) min_y_end = min(np.max(selected_mask[:, 1]) + 3, h - 1) for mask in masks: assert len(mask) == 1 mask = mask[0].reshape((-1, 2)).astype(np.int32) clip_x = np.clip(mask[:, 0], 0, w - 1) clip_y = np.clip(mask[:, 1], 0, h - 1) min_x, max_x = np.min(clip_x), np.max(clip_x) min_y, max_y = np.min(clip_y), np.max(clip_y) x_valid_array[min_x - 2:max_x + 3] = 0 y_valid_array[min_y - 2:max_y + 3] = 0 min_w = int(w * self.min_side_ratio) min_h = int(h * self.min_side_ratio) x1, x2 = self.sample_valid_start_end(x_valid_array, min_w, max_x_start, min_x_end) y1, y2 = self.sample_valid_start_end(y_valid_array, min_h, max_y_start, min_y_end) return np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2])
def crop_img(self, img, bbox): assert img.ndim == 3 h, w, _ = img.shape assert 0 <= bbox[1] < bbox[3] <= h assert 0 <= bbox[0] < bbox[2] <= w return img[bbox[1]:bbox[3], bbox[0]:bbox[2]] def __call__(self, results): if np.random.random_sample() < self.crop_ratio: crop_box = self.sample_crop_box(results['img'].shape, results[self.instance_key].masks) results['crop_region'] = crop_box img = self.crop_img(results['img'], crop_box) results['img'] = img results['img_shape'] = img.shape # crop and filter masks x1, y1, x2, y2 = crop_box w = max(x2 - x1, 1) h = max(y2 - y1, 1) labels = results['gt_labels'] valid_labels = [] for key in results.get('mask_fields', []): if len(results[key].masks) == 0: continue results[key] = results[key].crop(crop_box) # filter out polygons beyond crop box. masks = results[key].masks valid_masks_list = [] for ind, mask in enumerate(masks): assert len(mask) == 1 polygon = mask[0].reshape((-1, 2)) if (polygon[:, 0] > -4).all() and (polygon[:, 0] < w + 4).all() and ( polygon[:, 1] > -4).all() and (polygon[:, 1] < h + 4).all(): mask[0][::2] = np.clip(mask[0][::2], 0, w) mask[0][1::2] = np.clip(mask[0][1::2], 0, h) if key == self.instance_key: valid_labels.append(labels[ind]) valid_masks_list.append(mask) results[key] = PolygonMasks(valid_masks_list, h, w) results['gt_labels'] = np.array(valid_labels) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str
@PIPELINES.register_module() class RandomRotatePolyInstances: def __init__(self, rotate_ratio=0.5, max_angle=10, pad_with_fixed_color=False, pad_value=(0, 0, 0)): """Randomly rotate images and polygon masks. Args: rotate_ratio (float): The ratio of samples to operate rotation. max_angle (int): The maximum rotation angle. pad_with_fixed_color (bool): The flag for whether to pad rotated image with fixed value. If set to False, the rotated image will be padded onto cropped image. pad_value (tuple(int)): The color value for padding rotated image. """ self.rotate_ratio = rotate_ratio self.max_angle = max_angle self.pad_with_fixed_color = pad_with_fixed_color self.pad_value = pad_value def rotate(self, center, points, theta, center_shift=(0, 0)): # rotate points. (center_x, center_y) = center center_y = -center_y x, y = points[::2], points[1::2] y = -y theta = theta / 180 * math.pi cos = math.cos(theta) sin = math.sin(theta) x = (x - center_x) y = (y - center_y) _x = center_x + x * cos - y * sin + center_shift[0] _y = -(center_y + x * sin + y * cos) + center_shift[1] points[::2], points[1::2] = _x, _y return points def cal_canvas_size(self, ori_size, degree): assert isinstance(ori_size, tuple) angle = degree * math.pi / 180.0 h, w = ori_size[:2] cos = math.cos(angle) sin = math.sin(angle) canvas_h = int(w * math.fabs(sin) + h * math.fabs(cos)) canvas_w = int(w * math.fabs(cos) + h * math.fabs(sin)) canvas_size = (canvas_h, canvas_w) return canvas_size def sample_angle(self, max_angle): angle = np.random.random_sample() * 2 * max_angle - max_angle return angle def rotate_img(self, img, angle, canvas_size): h, w = img.shape[:2] rotation_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), angle, 1) rotation_matrix[0, 2] += int((canvas_size[1] - w) / 2) rotation_matrix[1, 2] += int((canvas_size[0] - h) / 2) if self.pad_with_fixed_color: target_img = cv2.warpAffine( img, rotation_matrix, (canvas_size[1], canvas_size[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderValue=self.pad_value) else: mask = np.zeros_like(img) (h_ind, w_ind) = (np.random.randint(0, h * 7 // 8), np.random.randint(0, w * 7 // 8)) img_cut = img[h_ind:(h_ind + h // 9), w_ind:(w_ind + w // 9)] img_cut = cv2.resize(img_cut, (canvas_size[1], canvas_size[0])) mask = cv2.warpAffine( mask, rotation_matrix, (canvas_size[1], canvas_size[0]), borderValue=[1, 1, 1]) target_img = cv2.warpAffine( img, rotation_matrix, (canvas_size[1], canvas_size[0]), borderValue=[0, 0, 0]) target_img = target_img + img_cut * mask return target_img def __call__(self, results): if np.random.random_sample() < self.rotate_ratio: img = results['img'] h, w = img.shape[:2] angle = self.sample_angle(self.max_angle) canvas_size = self.cal_canvas_size((h, w), angle) center_shift = (int( (canvas_size[1] - w) / 2), int((canvas_size[0] - h) / 2)) # rotate image results['rotated_poly_angle'] = angle img = self.rotate_img(img, angle, canvas_size) results['img'] = img img_shape = img.shape results['img_shape'] = img_shape # rotate polygons for key in results.get('mask_fields', []): if len(results[key].masks) == 0: continue masks = results[key].masks rotated_masks = [] for mask in masks: rotated_mask = self.rotate((w / 2, h / 2), mask[0], angle, center_shift) rotated_masks.append([rotated_mask]) results[key] = PolygonMasks(rotated_masks, *(img_shape[:2])) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str @PIPELINES.register_module() class SquareResizePad: def __init__(self, target_size, pad_ratio=0.6, pad_with_fixed_color=False, pad_value=(0, 0, 0)): """Resize or pad images to be square shape. Args: target_size (int): The target size of square shaped image. pad_with_fixed_color (bool): The flag for whether to pad rotated image with fixed value. If set to False, the rescales image will be padded onto cropped image. pad_value (tuple(int)): The color value for padding rotated image. """ assert isinstance(target_size, int) assert isinstance(pad_ratio, float) assert isinstance(pad_with_fixed_color, bool) assert isinstance(pad_value, tuple) self.target_size = target_size self.pad_ratio = pad_ratio self.pad_with_fixed_color = pad_with_fixed_color self.pad_value = pad_value def resize_img(self, img, keep_ratio=True): h, w, _ = img.shape if keep_ratio: t_h = self.target_size if h >= w else int(h * self.target_size / w) t_w = self.target_size if h <= w else int(w * self.target_size / h) else: t_h = t_w = self.target_size img = cv2.resize(img, (t_w, t_h)) return img, (t_h, t_w) def square_pad(self, img): h, w = img.shape[:2] if h == w: return img, (0, 0) pad_size = max(h, w) if self.pad_with_fixed_color: expand_img = np.ones((pad_size, pad_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8) expand_img[:] = self.pad_value else: (h_ind, w_ind) = (np.random.randint(0, h * 7 // 8), np.random.randint(0, w * 7 // 8)) img_cut = img[h_ind:(h_ind + h // 9), w_ind:(w_ind + w // 9)] expand_img = cv2.resize(img_cut, (pad_size, pad_size)) if h > w: y0, x0 = 0, (h - w) // 2 else: y0, x0 = (w - h) // 2, 0 expand_img[y0:y0 + h, x0:x0 + w] = img offset = (x0, y0) return expand_img, offset def square_pad_mask(self, points, offset): x0, y0 = offset pad_points = points.copy() pad_points[::2] = pad_points[::2] + x0 pad_points[1::2] = pad_points[1::2] + y0 return pad_points def __call__(self, results): img = results['img'] if np.random.random_sample() < self.pad_ratio: img, out_size = self.resize_img(img, keep_ratio=True) img, offset = self.square_pad(img) else: img, out_size = self.resize_img(img, keep_ratio=False) offset = (0, 0) results['img'] = img results['img_shape'] = img.shape for key in results.get('mask_fields', []): if len(results[key].masks) == 0: continue results[key] = results[key].resize(out_size) masks = results[key].masks processed_masks = [] for mask in masks: square_pad_mask = self.square_pad_mask(mask[0], offset) processed_masks.append([square_pad_mask]) results[key] = PolygonMasks(processed_masks, *(img.shape[:2])) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = self.__class__.__name__ return repr_str