Source code for mmocr.models.textdet.detectors.text_detector_mixin

import warnings

import mmcv

from mmocr.core import imshow_pred_boundary, seg2boundary

[docs]class TextDetectorMixin: """The class for implementing text detector auxiliary methods.""" def __init__(self, show_score): self.show_score = show_score
[docs] def get_boundary(self, results): """Convert segmentation into text boundaries. Args: results (tuple): The result tuple. The first element is segmentation while the second is its scores. Returns: results (dict): A result dict containing 'boundary_result'. """ assert isinstance(results, tuple) instance_num = len(results[1][0]) boundaries = [] for i in range(instance_num): seg = results[1][0][i] score = results[0][0][i][-1] boundary = seg2boundary(seg, self.text_repr_type, score) if boundary is not None: boundaries.append(boundary) results = dict(boundary_result=boundaries) return results
[docs] def show_result(self, img, result, score_thr=0.5, bbox_color='green', text_color='green', thickness=1, font_scale=0.5, win_name='', show=False, wait_time=0, out_file=None): """Draw `result` over `img`. Args: img (str or Tensor): The image to be displayed. result (dict): The results to draw over `img`. score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0.3. bbox_color (str or tuple or :obj:`Color`): Color of bbox lines. text_color (str or tuple or :obj:`Color`): Color of texts. thickness (int): Thickness of lines. font_scale (float): Font scales of texts. win_name (str): The window name. wait_time (int): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: False. out_file (str or None): The filename to write the image. Default: None.imshow_pred_boundary` """ img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() boundaries = None labels = None if 'boundary_result' in result.keys(): boundaries = result['boundary_result'] labels = [0] * len(boundaries) # if out_file specified, do not show image in window if out_file is not None: show = False # draw bounding boxes if boundaries is not None: imshow_pred_boundary( img, boundaries, labels, score_thr=score_thr, boundary_color=bbox_color, text_color=text_color, thickness=thickness, font_scale=font_scale, win_name=win_name, show=show, wait_time=wait_time, out_file=out_file, show_score=self.show_score) if not (show or out_file): warnings.warn('show==False and out_file is not specified, ' 'result image will be returned') return img