
OCR End2End Demo

End-to-End Test Image Demo

To end-to-end test a single image with text detection and recognition simutaneously:

python demo/ demo/demo_text_det.jpg demo/output.jpg
  • The default config for text detection and recognition are PSENet_ICDAR2015 and SAR, respectively.

  • The predicted result will be saved as demo/output.jpg.

  • To use other algorithms of text detection and recognition, please set arguments: --det-config, --det-ckpt, --recog-config, --recog-ckpt.

  • To use batch mode for text recognition, please set arguments: --batch-mode, --batch-size.


  1. If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show the image with OpenCV.

  2. The script only supports GPU and so the --device parameter cannot take cpu as an argument.

  3. (Experimental) By specifying --ocr-in-lines, the ocr results will be grouped and presented in lines.

Text Detection Demo

Text Detection Single Image Demo

We provide a demo script to test a single image for text detection with a single GPU.

Text Detection Model Preparation: The pre-trained text detection model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take PANet as an example:

python demo/ ${TEST_IMG} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${SAVE_PATH} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]


python demo/ demo/demo_text_det.jpg configs/textdet/panet/ demo/demo_text_det_pred.jpg

The predicted result will be saved as demo/demo_text_det_pred.jpg.

Text Detection Multiple Image Demo

We provide a demo script to test multi-images in batch mode for text detection with a single GPU.

Text Detection Model Preparation: The pre-trained text detection model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take PANet as an example:

python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${SAVE_PATH} --images ${IMAGE1} ${IMAGE2} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]


python demo/ configs/textdet/panet/ save_results --images demo/demo_text_det.jpg demo/demo_text_det.jpg

The predicted result will be saved in folder save_results.

Text Detection Webcam Demo

We also provide live demos from a webcam as in mmdetection.

python demo/ \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    [--device ${GPU_ID}] \
    [--camera-id ${CAMERA-ID}] \
    [--score-thr ${SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/textdet/panet/ \


  1. If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show the image with OpenCV.

  2. The script only supports GPU and so the --device parameter cannot take cpu as an argument.

Text Recognition Demo

Text Recognition Single Image Demo

We provide a demo script to test a single demo image for text recognition with a single GPU.

Text Recognition Model Preparation: The pre-trained text recognition model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take SAR as an example:

python demo/ ${TEST_IMG} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${SAVE_PATH} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]


python demo/ demo/demo_text_recog.jpg configs/textrecog/sar/ demo/demo_text_recog_pred.jpg

The predicted result will be saved as demo/demo_text_recog_pred.jpg.

Text Recognition Multiple Image Demo

We provide a demo script to test multi-images in batch mode for text recognition with a single GPU.

Text Recognition Model Preparation: The pre-trained text recognition model can be downloaded from model zoo. Take SAR as an example:

python demo/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${SAVE_PATH} --images ${IMAGE1} ${IMAGE2} [--imshow] [--device ${GPU_ID}]


python demo/ configs/textrecog/sar/ save_results --images demo/demo_text_recog.jpg demo/demo_text_recog.jpg

The predicted result will be saved in folder save_results.

Text Recognition Webcam Demo

We also provide live demos from a webcam as in mmdetection.

python demo/ \
    ${CONFIG_FILE} \
    [--device ${GPU_ID}] \
    [--camera-id ${CAMERA-ID}] \
    [--score-thr ${SCORE_THR}]


python demo/ \
    configs/textrecog/sar/ \


  1. If --imshow is specified, the demo will also show the image with OpenCV.

  2. The script only supports GPU and so the --device parameter cannot take cpu as an argument.