
Source code for mmocr.models.textdet.postprocess.textsnake_postprocessor

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize

from mmocr.models.builder import POSTPROCESSOR
from .base_postprocessor import BasePostprocessor
from .utils import centralize, fill_hole, merge_disks

[docs]@POSTPROCESSOR.register_module() class TextSnakePostprocessor(BasePostprocessor): """Decoding predictions of TextSnake to instances. This was partially adapted from Args: text_repr_type (str): The boundary encoding type 'poly' or 'quad'. min_text_region_confidence (float): The confidence threshold of text region in TextSnake. min_center_region_confidence (float): The confidence threshold of text center region in TextSnake. min_center_area (int): The minimal text center region area. disk_overlap_thr (float): The radius overlap threshold for merging disks. radius_shrink_ratio (float): The shrink ratio of ordered disks radii. """ def __init__(self, text_repr_type='poly', min_text_region_confidence=0.6, min_center_region_confidence=0.2, min_center_area=30, disk_overlap_thr=0.03, radius_shrink_ratio=1.03, **kwargs): super().__init__(text_repr_type) assert text_repr_type == 'poly' self.min_text_region_confidence = min_text_region_confidence self.min_center_region_confidence = min_center_region_confidence self.min_center_area = min_center_area self.disk_overlap_thr = disk_overlap_thr self.radius_shrink_ratio = radius_shrink_ratio def __call__(self, preds): """ Args: preds (Tensor): Prediction map with shape :math:`(C, H, W)`. Returns: list[list[float]]: The instance boundary and its confidence. """ assert preds.dim() == 3 preds[:2, :, :] = torch.sigmoid(preds[:2, :, :]) preds = preds.detach().cpu().numpy() pred_text_score = preds[0] pred_text_mask = pred_text_score > self.min_text_region_confidence pred_center_score = preds[1] * pred_text_score pred_center_mask = \ pred_center_score > self.min_center_region_confidence pred_sin = preds[2] pred_cos = preds[3] pred_radius = preds[4] mask_sz = pred_text_mask.shape scale = np.sqrt(1.0 / (pred_sin**2 + pred_cos**2 + 1e-8)) pred_sin = pred_sin * scale pred_cos = pred_cos * scale pred_center_mask = fill_hole(pred_center_mask).astype(np.uint8) center_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(pred_center_mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) boundaries = [] for contour in center_contours: if cv2.contourArea(contour) < self.min_center_area: continue instance_center_mask = np.zeros(mask_sz, dtype=np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(instance_center_mask, [contour], -1, 1, -1) skeleton = skeletonize(instance_center_mask) skeleton_yx = np.argwhere(skeleton > 0) y, x = skeleton_yx[:, 0], skeleton_yx[:, 1] cos = pred_cos[y, x].reshape((-1, 1)) sin = pred_sin[y, x].reshape((-1, 1)) radius = pred_radius[y, x].reshape((-1, 1)) center_line_yx = centralize(skeleton_yx, cos, -sin, radius, instance_center_mask) y, x = center_line_yx[:, 0], center_line_yx[:, 1] radius = (pred_radius[y, x] * self.radius_shrink_ratio).reshape( (-1, 1)) score = pred_center_score[y, x].reshape((-1, 1)) instance_disks = np.hstack( [np.fliplr(center_line_yx), radius, score]) instance_disks = merge_disks(instance_disks, self.disk_overlap_thr) instance_mask = np.zeros(mask_sz, dtype=np.uint8) for x, y, radius, score in instance_disks: if radius > 1:, (int(x), int(y)), int(radius), 1, -1) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(instance_mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) score = np.sum(instance_mask * pred_text_score) / ( np.sum(instance_mask) + 1e-8) if (len(contours) > 0 and cv2.contourArea(contours[0]) > 0 and contours[0].size > 8): boundary = contours[0].flatten().tolist() boundaries.append(boundary + [score]) return boundaries
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