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Source code for mmocr.datasets.kie_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import warnings
from os import path as osp

import numpy as np
import torch
from mmdet.datasets.builder import DATASETS

from mmocr.core import compute_f1_score
from mmocr.datasets.base_dataset import BaseDataset
from mmocr.datasets.pipelines import sort_vertex8
from mmocr.utils import is_type_list, list_from_file

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class KIEDataset(BaseDataset): """ Args: ann_file (str): Annotation file path. pipeline (list[dict]): Processing pipeline. loader (dict): Dictionary to construct loader to load annotation infos. img_prefix (str, optional): Image prefix to generate full image path. test_mode (bool, optional): If True, try...except will be turned off in __getitem__. dict_file (str): Character dict file path. norm (float): Norm to map value from one range to another. """ def __init__(self, ann_file=None, loader=None, dict_file=None, img_prefix='', pipeline=None, norm=10., directed=False, test_mode=True, **kwargs): if ann_file is None and loader is None: warnings.warn( 'KIEDataset is only initialized as a downstream demo task ' 'of text detection and recognition ' 'without an annotation file.', UserWarning) else: super().__init__( ann_file, loader, pipeline, img_prefix=img_prefix, test_mode=test_mode) assert osp.exists(dict_file) self.norm = norm self.directed = directed self.dict = { '': 0, **{ line.rstrip('\r\n'): ind for ind, line in enumerate(list_from_file(dict_file), 1) } }
[docs] def pre_pipeline(self, results): results['img_prefix'] = self.img_prefix results['bbox_fields'] = [] results['ori_texts'] = results['ann_info']['ori_texts'] results['filename'] = osp.join(self.img_prefix, results['img_info']['filename']) results['ori_filename'] = results['img_info']['filename'] # a dummy img data results['img'] = np.zeros((0, 0, 0), dtype=np.uint8)
def _parse_anno_info(self, annotations): """Parse annotations of boxes, texts and labels for one image. Args: annotations (list[dict]): Annotations of one image, where each dict is for one character. Returns: dict: A dict containing the following keys: - bboxes (np.ndarray): Bbox in one image with shape: box_num * 4. They are sorted clockwise when loading. - relations (np.ndarray): Relations between bbox with shape: box_num * box_num * D. - texts (np.ndarray): Text index with shape: box_num * text_max_len. - labels (np.ndarray): Box Labels with shape: box_num * (box_num + 1). """ assert is_type_list(annotations, dict) assert len(annotations) > 0, 'Please remove data with empty annotation' assert 'box' in annotations[0] assert 'text' in annotations[0] boxes, texts, text_inds, labels, edges = [], [], [], [], [] for ann in annotations: box = ann['box'] sorted_box = sort_vertex8(box[:8]) boxes.append(sorted_box) text = ann['text'] texts.append(ann['text']) text_ind = [self.dict[c] for c in text if c in self.dict] text_inds.append(text_ind) labels.append(ann.get('label', 0)) edges.append(ann.get('edge', 0)) ann_infos = dict( boxes=boxes, texts=texts, text_inds=text_inds, edges=edges, labels=labels) return self.list_to_numpy(ann_infos)
[docs] def prepare_train_img(self, index): """Get training data and annotations from pipeline. Args: index (int): Index of data. Returns: dict: Training data and annotation after pipeline with new keys introduced by pipeline. """ img_ann_info = self.data_infos[index] img_info = { 'filename': img_ann_info['file_name'], 'height': img_ann_info['height'], 'width': img_ann_info['width'] } ann_info = self._parse_anno_info(img_ann_info['annotations']) results = dict(img_info=img_info, ann_info=ann_info) self.pre_pipeline(results) return self.pipeline(results)
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, metric='macro_f1', metric_options=dict(macro_f1=dict(ignores=[])), **kwargs): # allow some kwargs to pass through assert set(kwargs).issubset(['logger']) # Protect ``metric_options`` since it uses mutable value as default metric_options = copy.deepcopy(metric_options) metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] allowed_metrics = ['macro_f1'] for m in metrics: if m not in allowed_metrics: raise KeyError(f'metric {m} is not supported') return self.compute_macro_f1(results, **metric_options['macro_f1'])
def compute_macro_f1(self, results, ignores=[]): node_preds = [] node_gts = [] for idx, result in enumerate(results): node_preds.append(result['nodes'].cpu()) box_ann_infos = self.data_infos[idx]['annotations'] node_gt = [box_ann_info['label'] for box_ann_info in box_ann_infos] node_gts.append(torch.Tensor(node_gt)) node_preds = node_gts = node_f1s = compute_f1_score(node_preds, node_gts, ignores) return { 'macro_f1': node_f1s.mean(), }
[docs] def list_to_numpy(self, ann_infos): """Convert bboxes, relations, texts and labels to ndarray.""" boxes, text_inds = ann_infos['boxes'], ann_infos['text_inds'] texts = ann_infos['texts'] boxes = np.array(boxes, np.int32) relations, bboxes = self.compute_relation(boxes) labels = ann_infos.get('labels', None) if labels is not None: labels = np.array(labels, np.int32) edges = ann_infos.get('edges', None) if edges is not None: labels = labels[:, None] edges = np.array(edges) edges = (edges[:, None] == edges[None, :]).astype(np.int32) if self.directed: edges = (edges & labels == 1).astype(np.int32) np.fill_diagonal(edges, -1) labels = np.concatenate([labels, edges], -1) padded_text_inds = self.pad_text_indices(text_inds) return dict( bboxes=bboxes, relations=relations, texts=padded_text_inds, ori_texts=texts, labels=labels)
[docs] def pad_text_indices(self, text_inds): """Pad text index to same length.""" max_len = max([len(text_ind) for text_ind in text_inds]) padded_text_inds = -np.ones((len(text_inds), max_len), np.int32) for idx, text_ind in enumerate(text_inds): padded_text_inds[idx, :len(text_ind)] = np.array(text_ind) return padded_text_inds
[docs] def compute_relation(self, boxes): """Compute relation between every two boxes.""" # Get minimal axis-aligned bounding boxes for each of the boxes # yapf: disable bboxes = np.concatenate( [boxes[:, 0::2].min(axis=1, keepdims=True), boxes[:, 1::2].min(axis=1, keepdims=True), boxes[:, 0::2].max(axis=1, keepdims=True), boxes[:, 1::2].max(axis=1, keepdims=True)], axis=1).astype(np.float32) # yapf: enable x1, y1 = bboxes[:, 0:1], bboxes[:, 1:2] x2, y2 = bboxes[:, 2:3], bboxes[:, 3:4] w, h = np.maximum(x2 - x1 + 1, 1), np.maximum(y2 - y1 + 1, 1) dx = (x1.T - x1) / self.norm dy = (y1.T - y1) / self.norm xhh, xwh = h.T / h, w.T / h whs = w / h + np.zeros_like(xhh) relation = np.stack([dx, dy, whs, xhh, xwh], -1).astype(np.float32) return relation, bboxes
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