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Source code for mmocr.datasets.uniform_concat_dataset

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS, ConcatDataset, build_dataset

from mmocr.utils import is_2dlist, is_type_list

[docs]@DATASETS.register_module() class UniformConcatDataset(ConcatDataset): """A wrapper of ConcatDataset which support dataset pipeline assignment and replacement. Args: datasets (list[dict] | list[list[dict]]): A list of datasets cfgs. separate_eval (bool): Whether to evaluate the results separately if it is used as validation dataset. Defaults to True. show_mean_scores (str | bool): Whether to compute the mean evaluation results, only applicable when ``separate_eval=True``. Options are [True, False, ``auto``]. If ``True``, mean results will be added to the result dictionary with keys in the form of ``mean_{metric_name}``. If 'auto', mean results will be shown only when more than 1 dataset is wrapped. pipeline (None | list[dict] | list[list[dict]]): If ``None``, each dataset in datasets use its own pipeline; If ``list[dict]``, it will be assigned to the dataset whose pipeline is None in datasets; If ``list[list[dict]]``, pipeline of dataset which is None in datasets will be replaced by the corresponding pipeline in the list. force_apply (bool): If True, apply pipeline above to each dataset even if it have its own pipeline. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, datasets, separate_eval=True, show_mean_scores='auto', pipeline=None, force_apply=False, **kwargs): new_datasets = [] if pipeline is not None: assert isinstance( pipeline, list), 'pipeline must be list[dict] or list[list[dict]].' if is_type_list(pipeline, dict): self._apply_pipeline(datasets, pipeline, force_apply) new_datasets = datasets elif is_2dlist(pipeline): assert is_2dlist(datasets) assert len(datasets) == len(pipeline) for sub_datasets, tmp_pipeline in zip(datasets, pipeline): self._apply_pipeline(sub_datasets, tmp_pipeline, force_apply) new_datasets.extend(sub_datasets) else: if is_2dlist(datasets): for sub_datasets in datasets: new_datasets.extend(sub_datasets) else: new_datasets = datasets datasets = [build_dataset(c, kwargs) for c in new_datasets] super().__init__(datasets, separate_eval) if not separate_eval: raise NotImplementedError( 'Evaluating datasets as a whole is not' ' supported yet. Please use "separate_eval=True"') assert isinstance(show_mean_scores, bool) or show_mean_scores == 'auto' if show_mean_scores == 'auto': show_mean_scores = len(self.datasets) > 1 self.show_mean_scores = show_mean_scores if show_mean_scores is True or show_mean_scores == 'auto' and len( self.datasets) > 1: if len(set([type(ds) for ds in self.datasets])) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'To compute mean evaluation scores, all datasets' 'must have the same type') @staticmethod def _apply_pipeline(datasets, pipeline, force_apply=False): from_cfg = all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in datasets) assert from_cfg, 'datasets should be config dicts' assert all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in pipeline) for dataset in datasets: if dataset['pipeline'] is None or force_apply: dataset['pipeline'] = copy.deepcopy(pipeline)
[docs] def evaluate(self, results, logger=None, **kwargs): """Evaluate the results. Args: results (list[list | tuple]): Testing results of the dataset. logger (logging.Logger | str | None): Logger used for printing related information during evaluation. Default: None. Returns: dict[str: float]: Results of each separate dataset if `self.separate_eval=True`. """ assert len(results) == self.cumulative_sizes[-1], \ ('Dataset and results have different sizes: ' f'{self.cumulative_sizes[-1]} v.s. {len(results)}') # Check whether all the datasets support evaluation for dataset in self.datasets: assert hasattr(dataset, 'evaluate'), \ f'{type(dataset)} does not implement evaluate function' if self.separate_eval: dataset_idx = -1 total_eval_results = dict() if self.show_mean_scores: mean_eval_results = defaultdict(list) for dataset in self.datasets: start_idx = 0 if dataset_idx == -1 else \ self.cumulative_sizes[dataset_idx] end_idx = self.cumulative_sizes[dataset_idx + 1] results_per_dataset = results[start_idx:end_idx] print_log( f'\nEvaluating {dataset.ann_file} with ' f'{len(results_per_dataset)} images now', logger=logger) eval_results_per_dataset = dataset.evaluate( results_per_dataset, logger=logger, **kwargs) dataset_idx += 1 for k, v in eval_results_per_dataset.items(): total_eval_results.update({f'{dataset_idx}_{k}': v}) if self.show_mean_scores: mean_eval_results[k].append(v) if self.show_mean_scores: for k, v in mean_eval_results.items(): total_eval_results[f'mean_{k}'] = np.mean(v) return total_eval_results else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Evaluating datasets as a whole is not' ' supported yet. Please use "separate_eval=True"')
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