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Source code for mmocr.datasets.pipelines.loading

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import warnings

import lmdb
import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmdet.core import BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES
from mmdet.datasets.pipelines.loading import LoadAnnotations, LoadImageFromFile

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class LoadTextAnnotations(LoadAnnotations): """Load annotations for text detection. Args: with_bbox (bool): Whether to parse and load the bbox annotation. Default: True. with_label (bool): Whether to parse and load the label annotation. Default: True. with_mask (bool): Whether to parse and load the mask annotation. Default: False. with_seg (bool): Whether to parse and load the semantic segmentation annotation. Default: False. poly2mask (bool): Whether to convert the instance masks from polygons to bitmaps. Default: True. use_img_shape (bool): Use the shape of loaded image from previous pipeline ``LoadImageFromFile`` to generate mask. """ def __init__(self, with_bbox=True, with_label=True, with_mask=False, with_seg=False, poly2mask=True, use_img_shape=False): super().__init__( with_bbox=with_bbox, with_label=with_label, with_mask=with_mask, with_seg=with_seg, poly2mask=poly2mask) self.use_img_shape = use_img_shape
[docs] def process_polygons(self, polygons): """Convert polygons to list of ndarray and filter invalid polygons. Args: polygons (list[list]): Polygons of one instance. Returns: list[numpy.ndarray]: Processed polygons. """ polygons = [np.array(p).astype(np.float32) for p in polygons] valid_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: if len(polygon) % 2 == 0 and len(polygon) >= 6: valid_polygons.append(polygon) return valid_polygons
def _load_masks(self, results): ann_info = results['ann_info'] h, w = results['img_info']['height'], results['img_info']['width'] if self.use_img_shape: if results.get('ori_shape', None): h, w = results['ori_shape'][:2] results['img_info']['height'] = h results['img_info']['width'] = w else: warnings.warn('"ori_shape" not in results, use the shape ' 'in "img_info" instead.') gt_masks = ann_info['masks'] if self.poly2mask: gt_masks = BitmapMasks( [self._poly2mask(mask, h, w) for mask in gt_masks], h, w) else: gt_masks = PolygonMasks( [self.process_polygons(polygons) for polygons in gt_masks], h, w) gt_masks_ignore = ann_info.get('masks_ignore', None) if gt_masks_ignore is not None: if self.poly2mask: gt_masks_ignore = BitmapMasks( [self._poly2mask(mask, h, w) for mask in gt_masks_ignore], h, w) else: gt_masks_ignore = PolygonMasks([ self.process_polygons(polygons) for polygons in gt_masks_ignore ], h, w) results['gt_masks_ignore'] = gt_masks_ignore results['mask_fields'].append('gt_masks_ignore') results['gt_masks'] = gt_masks results['mask_fields'].append('gt_masks') return results
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class LoadImageFromNdarray(LoadImageFromFile): """Load an image from np.ndarray. Similar with :obj:`LoadImageFromFile`, but the image read from ``results['img']``, which is np.ndarray. """ def __call__(self, results): """Call functions to add image meta information. Args: results (dict): Result dict with Webcam read image in ``results['img']``. Returns: dict: The dict contains loaded image and meta information. """ assert results['img'].dtype == 'uint8' img = results['img'] if self.color_type == 'grayscale' and img.shape[2] == 3: img = mmcv.bgr2gray(img, keepdim=True) if self.color_type == 'color' and img.shape[2] == 1: img = mmcv.gray2bgr(img) if self.to_float32: img = img.astype(np.float32) results['filename'] = None results['ori_filename'] = None results['img'] = img results['img_shape'] = img.shape results['ori_shape'] = img.shape results['img_fields'] = ['img'] return results
[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class LoadImageFromLMDB(object): """Load an image from lmdb file. Similar with :obj:'LoadImageFromFile', but the image read from "results['img_info']['filename']", which is a data index of lmdb file. """ def __init__(self, color_type='color'): self.color_type = color_type self.env = None self.txn = None def __call__(self, results): img_key = results['img_info']['filename'] lmdb_path = results['img_prefix'] # lmdb env if self.env is None: self.env = lmdb_path, max_readers=1, readonly=True, lock=False, readahead=False, meminit=False, ) # read image with self.env.begin(write=False) as txn: imgbuf = txn.get(img_key.encode('utf-8')) try: img = mmcv.imfrombytes(imgbuf, flag=self.color_type) except IOError: print('Corrupted image for {}'.format(img_key)) return None results['filename'] = img_key results['ori_filename'] = img_key results['img'] = img results['img_shape'] = img.shape results['ori_shape'] = img.shape results['img_fields'] = ['img'] return results def __repr__(self): return '{} (color_type={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.color_type) def __del__(self): if self.env is not None: self.env.close()
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