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Source code for mmocr.datasets.pipelines.ocr_seg_targets

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import cv2
import numpy as np
from mmdet.core import BitmapMasks
from mmdet.datasets.builder import PIPELINES

import mmocr.utils.check_argument as check_argument
from mmocr.models.builder import build_convertor

[docs]@PIPELINES.register_module() class OCRSegTargets: """Generate gt shrunk kernels for segmentation based OCR framework. Args: label_convertor (dict): Dictionary to construct label_convertor to convert char to index. attn_shrink_ratio (float): The area shrunk ratio between attention kernels and gt text masks. seg_shrink_ratio (float): The area shrunk ratio between segmentation kernels and gt text masks. box_type (str): Character box type, should be either 'char_rects' or 'char_quads', with 'char_rects' for rectangle with ``xyxy`` style and 'char_quads' for quadrangle with ``x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4`` style. """ def __init__(self, label_convertor=None, attn_shrink_ratio=0.5, seg_shrink_ratio=0.25, box_type='char_rects', pad_val=255): assert isinstance(attn_shrink_ratio, float) assert isinstance(seg_shrink_ratio, float) assert 0. < attn_shrink_ratio < 1.0 assert 0. < seg_shrink_ratio < 1.0 assert label_convertor is not None assert box_type in ('char_rects', 'char_quads') self.attn_shrink_ratio = attn_shrink_ratio self.seg_shrink_ratio = seg_shrink_ratio self.label_convertor = build_convertor(label_convertor) self.box_type = box_type self.pad_val = pad_val
[docs] def shrink_char_quad(self, char_quad, shrink_ratio): """Shrink char box in style of quadrangle. Args: char_quad (list[float]): Char box with format [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]. shrink_ratio (float): The area shrunk ratio between gt kernels and gt text masks. """ points = [[char_quad[0], char_quad[1]], [char_quad[2], char_quad[3]], [char_quad[4], char_quad[5]], [char_quad[6], char_quad[7]]] shrink_points = [] for p_idx, point in enumerate(points): p1 = points[(p_idx + 3) % 4] p2 = points[(p_idx + 1) % 4] dist1 = self.l2_dist_two_points(p1, point) dist2 = self.l2_dist_two_points(p2, point) min_dist = min(dist1, dist2) v1 = [p1[0] - point[0], p1[1] - point[1]] v2 = [p2[0] - point[0], p2[1] - point[1]] temp_dist1 = (shrink_ratio * min_dist / dist1) if min_dist != 0 else 0. temp_dist2 = (shrink_ratio * min_dist / dist2) if min_dist != 0 else 0. v1 = [temp * temp_dist1 for temp in v1] v2 = [temp * temp_dist2 for temp in v2] shrink_point = [ round(point[0] + v1[0] + v2[0]), round(point[1] + v1[1] + v2[1]) ] shrink_points.append(shrink_point) poly = np.array(shrink_points) return poly
[docs] def shrink_char_rect(self, char_rect, shrink_ratio): """Shrink char box in style of rectangle. Args: char_rect (list[float]): Char box with format [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]. shrink_ratio (float): The area shrunk ratio between gt kernels and gt text masks. """ x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = char_rect w = x_max - x_min h = y_max - y_min x_min_s = round((x_min + x_max - w * shrink_ratio) / 2) y_min_s = round((y_min + y_max - h * shrink_ratio) / 2) x_max_s = round((x_min + x_max + w * shrink_ratio) / 2) y_max_s = round((y_min + y_max + h * shrink_ratio) / 2) poly = np.array([[x_min_s, y_min_s], [x_max_s, y_min_s], [x_max_s, y_max_s], [x_min_s, y_max_s]]) return poly
[docs] def generate_kernels(self, resize_shape, pad_shape, char_boxes, char_inds, shrink_ratio=0.5, binary=True): """Generate char instance kernels for one shrink ratio. Args: resize_shape (tuple(int, int)): Image size (height, width) after resizing. pad_shape (tuple(int, int)): Image size (height, width) after padding. char_boxes (list[list[float]]): The list of char polygons. char_inds (list[int]): List of char indexes. shrink_ratio (float): The shrink ratio of kernel. binary (bool): If True, return binary ndarray containing 0 & 1 only. Returns: char_kernel (ndarray): The text kernel mask of (height, width). """ assert isinstance(resize_shape, tuple) assert isinstance(pad_shape, tuple) assert check_argument.is_2dlist(char_boxes) assert check_argument.is_type_list(char_inds, int) assert isinstance(shrink_ratio, float) assert isinstance(binary, bool) char_kernel = np.zeros(pad_shape, dtype=np.int32) char_kernel[:resize_shape[0], resize_shape[1]:] = self.pad_val for i, char_box in enumerate(char_boxes): if self.box_type == 'char_rects': poly = self.shrink_char_rect(char_box, shrink_ratio) elif self.box_type == 'char_quads': poly = self.shrink_char_quad(char_box, shrink_ratio) fill_value = 1 if binary else char_inds[i] cv2.fillConvexPoly(char_kernel, poly.astype(np.int32), (fill_value)) return char_kernel
def l2_dist_two_points(self, p1, p2): return ((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)**0.5 def __call__(self, results): img_shape = results['img_shape'] resize_shape = results['resize_shape'] h_scale = 1.0 * resize_shape[0] / img_shape[0] w_scale = 1.0 * resize_shape[1] / img_shape[1] char_boxes, char_inds = [], [] char_num = len(results['ann_info'][self.box_type]) for i in range(char_num): char_box = results['ann_info'][self.box_type][i] num_points = 2 if self.box_type == 'char_rects' else 4 for j in range(num_points): char_box[j * 2] = round(char_box[j * 2] * w_scale) char_box[j * 2 + 1] = round(char_box[j * 2 + 1] * h_scale) char_boxes.append(char_box) char = results['ann_info']['chars'][i] char_ind = self.label_convertor.str2idx([char])[0][0] char_inds.append(char_ind) resize_shape = tuple(results['resize_shape'][:2]) pad_shape = tuple(results['pad_shape'][:2]) binary_target = self.generate_kernels( resize_shape, pad_shape, char_boxes, char_inds, shrink_ratio=self.attn_shrink_ratio, binary=True) seg_target = self.generate_kernels( resize_shape, pad_shape, char_boxes, char_inds, shrink_ratio=self.seg_shrink_ratio, binary=False) mask = np.ones(pad_shape, dtype=np.int32) mask[:resize_shape[0], resize_shape[1]:] = 0 results['gt_kernels'] = BitmapMasks([binary_target, seg_target, mask], pad_shape[0], pad_shape[1]) results['mask_fields'] = ['gt_kernels'] return results
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