
mmocr.models.textrecog.decoders.aster_decoder 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from mmocr.models.common.dictionary import Dictionary
from mmocr.registry import MODELS
from mmocr.structures import TextRecogDataSample
from .base import BaseDecoder

[文档]@MODELS.register_module() class ASTERDecoder(BaseDecoder): """Implement attention decoder. Args: in_channels (int): Number of input channels. emb_dims (int): Dims of char embedding. Defaults to 512. attn_dims (int): Dims of attention. Both hidden states and features will be projected to this dims. Defaults to 512. hidden_size (int): Dims of hidden state for GRU. Defaults to 512. dictionary (dict or :obj:`Dictionary`): The config for `Dictionary` or the instance of `Dictionary`. Defaults to None. max_seq_len (int): Maximum output sequence length :math:`T`. Defaults to 25. module_loss (dict, optional): Config to build loss. Defaults to None. postprocessor (dict, optional): Config to build postprocessor. Defaults to None. init_cfg (dict or list[dict], optional): Initialization configs. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, emb_dims: int = 512, attn_dims: int = 512, hidden_size: int = 512, dictionary: Union[Dictionary, Dict] = None, max_seq_len: int = 25, module_loss: Dict = None, postprocessor: Dict = None, init_cfg=dict(type='Xavier', layer='Conv2d')): super().__init__( init_cfg=init_cfg, dictionary=dictionary, module_loss=module_loss, postprocessor=postprocessor, max_seq_len=max_seq_len) self.start_idx = self.dictionary.start_idx self.num_classes = self.dictionary.num_classes self.in_channels = in_channels self.embedding_dim = emb_dims self.att_dims = attn_dims self.hidden_size = hidden_size # Projection layers self.proj_feat = nn.Linear(in_channels, attn_dims) self.proj_hidden = nn.Linear(hidden_size, attn_dims) self.proj_sum = nn.Linear(attn_dims, 1) # Decoder input embedding self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.num_classes, self.att_dims) # GRU self.gru = nn.GRU( input_size=self.in_channels + self.embedding_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, batch_first=True) # Prediction layer self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, self.dictionary.num_classes) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) def _attention(self, feat: torch.Tensor, prev_hidden: torch.Tensor, prev_char: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Implement the attention mechanism. Args: feat (Tensor): Feature map from encoder of shape :math:`(N, T, C)`. prev_hidden (Tensor): Previous hidden state from GRU of shape :math:`(1, N, self.hidden_size)`. prev_char (Tensor): Previous predicted character of shape :math:`(N, )`. Returns: tuple(Tensor, Tensor): - output (Tensor): Predicted character of current time step of shape :math:`(N, 1)`. - state (Tensor): Hidden state from GRU of current time step of shape :math:`(N, self.hidden_size)`. """ # Calculate the attention weights B, T, _ = feat.size() feat_proj = self.proj_feat(feat) # [N, T, attn_dims] hidden_proj = self.proj_hidden(prev_hidden) # [1, N, attn_dims] hidden_proj = hidden_proj.squeeze(0).unsqueeze(1) # [N, 1, attn_dims] hidden_proj = hidden_proj.expand(B, T, self.att_dims) # [N, T, attn_dims] sum_tanh = torch.tanh(feat_proj + hidden_proj) # [N, T, attn_dims] sum_proj = self.proj_sum(sum_tanh).squeeze(-1) # [N, T] attn_weights = torch.softmax(sum_proj, dim=1) # [N, T] # GRU forward context = torch.bmm(attn_weights.unsqueeze(1), feat).squeeze(1) char_embed = self.embedding(prev_char.long()) # [N, emb_dims] output, state = self.gru([char_embed, context], 1).unsqueeze(1), prev_hidden) output = output.squeeze(1) output = self.fc(output) return output, state
[文档] def forward_train( self, feat: torch.Tensor = None, out_enc: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, data_samples: Optional[Sequence[TextRecogDataSample]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: feat (Tensor): Feature from backbone. Unused in this decoder. out_enc (torch.Tensor, optional): Encoder output. Defaults to None. data_samples (list[TextRecogDataSample], optional): Batch of TextRecogDataSample, containing gt_text information. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: The raw logit tensor. Shape :math:`(N, T, C)` where :math:`C` is ``num_classes``. """ B = out_enc.shape[0] state = torch.zeros(1, B, self.hidden_size).to(out_enc.device) padded_targets = [ data_sample.gt_text.padded_indexes for data_sample in data_samples ] padded_targets = torch.stack(padded_targets, dim=0).to(out_enc.device) outputs = [] for i in range(self.max_seq_len): prev_char = padded_targets[:, i].to(out_enc.device) output, state = self._attention(out_enc, state, prev_char) outputs.append(output) outputs =[_.unsqueeze(1) for _ in outputs], 1) return outputs
[文档] def forward_test( self, feat: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, out_enc: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, data_samples: Optional[Sequence[TextRecogDataSample]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: feat (Tensor): Feature from backbone. Unused in this decoder. out_enc (torch.Tensor, optional): Encoder output. Defaults to None. data_samples (list[TextRecogDataSample], optional): Batch of TextRecogDataSample, containing gt_text information. Defaults to None. Unused in this decoder. Returns: Tensor: The raw logit tensor. Shape :math:`(N, T, C)` where :math:`C` is ``num_classes``. """ B = out_enc.shape[0] predicted = [] state = torch.zeros(1, B, self.hidden_size).to(out_enc.device) outputs = [] for i in range(self.max_seq_len): if i == 0: prev_char = torch.zeros(B).fill_(self.start_idx).to( out_enc.device) else: prev_char = predicted output, state = self._attention(out_enc, state, prev_char) outputs.append(output) _, predicted = output.max(-1) outputs =[_.unsqueeze(1) for _ in outputs], 1) return self.softmax(outputs)
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